We know that everyone trying cloth diapers for the first time will have a ton of questions, just like we did. One of the most common questions we get is, "How do you wash your diapers?" To simplify the steps of a successful wash routine, we created these FREE Care and Wash Instructions to be your easy-to-use, handy guide. Add it to your cart with your order. Then, post it near your washer for quick reference, and add notes to it as you tailor your wash routine to work fo ryou. Before you know it, you'll be a pro!
Prefer a digital copy? Download it here.
We will only send a Care and Wash Instruction card with the purchase of another cloth diapering product (diaper, insert, or liner). Orders that only include Care and Wash Instruction cards will be canceled. To ensure that we have enough cards for all of our customers, limit one card per order. In the interest of minimizing waste, please only request Care and Wash Instructions if you need one!